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The following pictures were taken in West Palm Beach and Boynton Beach (both in Florida) in 2004. The pictures are not identified as to fish name. The pictures are numbered. At the bottom of the page are the names of each fish. You can quickly learn the names by making a guess and then looking at the answer.
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
9 10
11 Long fish - 12
13 14
15 - upper right 16
17 18
19 20
21 22
23 24
25 26
27 28
29 30
Answers are found below.
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The answers below are numbered. The numbers correspond with the numbers found under the pictures of the undersea life found above.
1. Blue Tang
2. Red Cornetfish
3. Blue Angelfish
4. + 5. Queen Angelfish
6. Buffalo Trunkfish
7. Spotted Moray
8. Hawksbill Turtle
9. Trumpetfish
10. Stoplight Parrotfish female
11. Smooth Trunkfish
12. Trumpetfish
13. Sand Diver
14. Spanish Hogfish
15. French Grunt
16. Spotted Goatfish
17. Porkfish
18. Sergeant Majors
19. Bicolor Damselfish
20. Foureye Butterflyfish
21. Gray Angelfish
22. Blackbar Soldierfish
23. Rock Beauty
24. Scrawled Filefish
25. Orangespotted Filefish
26. Reef Butterflyfish
27. Spadefish
28. Bluestriped Grunt
29. Scrawled Filefish
30. Cottonwick Grunt
31. Goliath Grouper
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