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     Deep-Six is a Factory Installer for Endless Pools(r). About 100 have been done or serviced. The pool is small and is officially known as "A Transportable Spa." We have put them outside above and in the ground, in basements, garages, patios, and decks. They require a 9' X 18' area. Almost 100% of our customers have found swimming to be the best exercise and life-extending experience there is.

     We do not sell the Endless Pool. Once the pool is purchased from the company it is shipped to the site and that is where we take over. In a few days you will be swimming in a smooth laminar current for as long as you want and at the speed you desire. You will be swimming in water quality that you trust and at a temperature you find best.

Deep-Six Endless Pool Installers:

George Campbell: A NAUI and PADI Scuba Instructor and the owner of Deep-Six Underwater Systems, Inc.

Timothy E. Bunch II is an expert pool manager. He is a very important asset to the Deep-Six pool operation.





Current Pool Installation Pictures

Maintaining Your Endless Pool

The Seal Lok Motor Change

CL Free Water Treatment Systems - No chlorine, bromine, biquanides to sanitize your spa or pool. Swim in pure sanitary water!



     The units above are Endless Pools (tm). For the homeowner, this pool allows a person to swim without limits with the ultimate in privacy and comfort. One can swim for exercise or relax in a current of warm water. The pool can be kept at a constant temperature. It may be put inside the home or outside in the yard. It is easily installed in almost any setting by the homeowner or dive shop operator. All parts fit through a 24" doorway!

     The pool has a personally-adjustable current. It is the ultimate swimming machine for swimming, aquatic exercises, therapy and fun. The current can be made to go from zero to speeds exceeding the Niagara River.


     If you find your pool needs attention due to installation problems call us for free advice (845-255-7446). If there are serious issues we are in the business to correct them.

See: Refurbishing an Endless Pool (tm)


     Endless Pools may be used to safely introduce people to scuba diving. They allow one to experience the thrill of breathing underwater. Following that experience one could sign up for a full scuba course such as the one offered at Deep-Six.


     The above scuba experience was enjoyed by Nancy in the Total Immersion Endless Pool in New Paltz, NY. The conditions were ideal: Visibility of over 150', water temperature of 85 degrees, and the air temperature over 95 degrees.  

     Deep-Six installed one of these pools in our facility. It is use to test scuba equipment that has been serviced prior to releasing it to the customer. For example, returning a regulator to a customer following the technician's underwater testing is the ultimate test in functionality and safety. Being able to visually inspect for leaks, testing the inhalation and exhalation, and leaving the units submerged for extended periods of time afford the customer a great degree of safety, function, and satisfaction. This is done in water at a temperature of 89 degrees F.

     The owner of Deep-Six installed the pool in about 30 hours. It was picked up from the trucking company in a pick-up truck (2 loads). It has been operating at the facility since November 1992 without any mechanical problems. The location selected was on a concrete interior slab similar to what is found in most home basements. We would be happy to assist any purchaser with installation for a very nominal charge. Free consultation is available!

    Today the pool is delivered to your door by a trucking company. The crates are off-loaded by the trucking company. The parts arrive in 2 large boxes that are about 8' long, 4' wide and 5' high. The panel box weighs about 900 pounds, while the parts box weighs about 1,350 pounds. Once the boxes are opened the parts are easily carried to the location by Deep-Six for the installation.


Maintaining Your Endless Pool

Factory Installer Program - Would you like help installing your pool? Do you need to have questions about installation answered?

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Endless Pools, Inc. warrants to the original purchaser of the Endless Pool manufactured by us to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use for one year from purchase. Our obligation under this warranty shall be limited to the repair or exchange (at our option) of any part or parts which may thus prove defective under normal use within one year from date of purchase by the original purchaser, and which our examination shall disclose to our satisfaction to be thus defective. This warranty does not include the components comprising the water quality system, which are already warranted by their respective manufacturers. This warranty is expressly In lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied including the warranties of merchant ability and fitness for use and of all other obligations or liabilities for all damages direct or consequential to person, property or business whether or not occasioned by our negligence, and we neither assume for us any other liability in connection with the sale of this endless pool. This warranty shall not apply to this Endless Pool or any part thereof which has been subject to accident, negligence, freezing, improper installation, alteration, abuse or misuse. We make no warranty whatsoever in respect to accessories or parts not supplied by us which carry only the warranty of the manufacturer of such accessory or part. The term "original purchaser", as used in this warranty, shall be deemed to mean that person for whom the endless pool was originally installed. This warranty shall apply only within the boundaries of the continental United States.

We do not warrant this machine to meet the requirements of any safety code of any state, municipality, or other jurisdiction, and purchaser assumes all risk and liability whatsoever resulting form the use thereof, whether used singly or in combination with other machines or apparatus.

This warranty shall not apply to any of our products, or parts thereof, which have been repaired or altered, without our written consent, by a party other than Endless Pools or its designee or altered in any way so as, in the judgment of endless pools, Inc to affect adversely the stability or reliability of our product.

In order to claim under this warranty, original purchaser must promptly notify our customer service department in writing of the existence of the claim and then follow up our written instructions regarding the procedures for remedying the defect. Endless Pools, Inc. shall not be responsible for cartage, transportation, removal and/or reinstallation labor or any other such costs relating to the performance of this warranty.

In the event any portion of this warranty shall be deemed unenforceable by a court of law, the remainder of the warranty shall remain in full force and effect as if the voided portion were never included.

A copy of the following document must be signed and returned by any party wanting Deep-Six Underwater Systems, Inc. to install their Endless Pool:




     I (Participant Name), _____________________________________________________, hereby affirm that I am purchasing and Endless Pool, and that it will be installed by DEEP-SIX UNDERWATER SYSTEMS, Inc. I am fully aware that owning a pool carries risks for members of my family, friends, and any other party that may use the pool for any intended purpose. Diving or jumping into an Endless Pool can lead to fractures, spinal injuries, and unconsciousness. Swimming can be strenuous and could promote heart attacks, seizures, exhaustion, etc. I understand it is possible for a person to drown in this pool.  There are many ways in which the use, or misuse of an Endless Pool could contribute to the injury or death of a participant. I understand and am willing to assume the entire extent of the risk involved in the use of it.

     I understand and agree that neither DEEP-SIX UNDERWATER SYSTEMS, Inc., George D. Campbell, III, nor any of their respective employees, officers, agents, or assigns may be held liable or responsible in any way for any injury, death, or other damages to me or my family, heirs, or assigns that may occur as a result of my participation in the use of the Endless Pool, or as a result of the negligence of any party, including the Released Parties (mentioned above in bold print), whether passive or active.

     I agree to use any and all of the equipment purchased from Endless Pools, or the Released Parties (mentioned above in bold print) in the intended, and in a responsible manner consistent with the established standards of swimming, or other activities engaged in while using the pool.

     I also understand water activities undertaken in an Endless Pool is a physically strenuous activity and that people will be exerting themselves during the experience, and that if anyone is injured or killed as a result of heart attack, panic, hyperventilation, etc., even if it was the direct result of malfunctioning purchased equipment, harmful agent, or missing commodity, that I will assume the risk of said injuries and that I will not hold the Released Parties (bold type above) responsible for same. I personally assume all risks in connection with the use of purchased equipment, for any harm, injury, death, or damage that may befall me, members of my family, friends, or any other person or persons using my Endless Pool, including all risks connected therewith, whether foreseen or unforeseen. I further understand this Liability Release and Assumption of Risk covers any and all purchases from the Released Parties (bold type above).

     I also understand having a pool on my property can lead to flooding, water damage, moisture-related problems, sickness due to poor water quality, and expensive clean-up costs. I will also assume the risk of said problems and that I will not hold the Released Parties (bold type above) responsible for same. 

     I further state that I am of lawful age and legally competent to sign this liability release.

     I understand the terms herein are contractual and not mere recital, and that I have signed this document of my own free act. I have fully informed myself of the contents of this LIABILITY RELEASE AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK by reading it before I signed it on behalf of myself and my heirs.


Signature of Endless Pool Buyer:_____________________________________________________________ Date:____________

Signature of Spouse (or Significant Other):  _____________________________________________________ Date:____________


Witness: _____________________________________________________   Date:_____________ (Note: Witnesses must see a person signing this form, they must be over 18, and they cannot be related to the persons signing this document.